Monday, February 11, 2008

Lots of Manioc Processing Pics- Jan 22 thru 26

The pan is oiled, on the fire and ready to go!

Ben and I helped to sort through the dried manioc to go on the fire

The pan is oiled with soybean oil

Ben made a new friend

Almost done sorting through the dried product!

Christian and Erika take a little break to enjoy some refreshments

Whoops! Sorry about this picture!! But these are the bags stacked on the press

Erika is still relaxing and Ben is drinking some "jungle milk"

Ben and Rolex (sp.?) are wood chopping competitors
The fire is almost ready to go in the toasting hut

More manioc to peel!

Erika kneading the manioc

Ben is ready to start the pressing

The guys lock down the press

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