Is this really the boat path? Yes, this is the boatway thru the Flooded Forest!

This mistletoe is beautiful and very invasive!
The lake is beautiful, but where are the pink dolphins?!
Shaking ginger to ward away bad spirits and mosquitoes!
This is the trail at the Research Center.
The scale of this forest is really something that is almost indescribable and impossible to replicate! This morning we went on a very difficult hike, not because the terrain was particularly tricky, though it was in some places, but because you are constantly having the watch the ground and watch where you put your hand for stability- ants and tree roots, not jaguars, are the probably the biggest dangers to a hiker in the rainforest! We saw some wonderful things during out time at the research center, including the pink dolphins! Unfortunately they are a little bit too quick and playful for Ben and I and we couldn’t get any pictures of them :( But here are some other photos of their home and the forest around the ARC.
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